Zoe Harkness
Zoe started her career working in airtime sales for ITV and subsequently Channel 4 – the two big public service broadcasters in the UK. Her passion for the field of broadcast partnerships led her to roles such as Senior Account Director at Drum PHD (sponsorship arm of PHD, media agency part of the Omnicom Media Group), Sponsorship Controller for Sky Networks and Planning Director at Sponsorvision (independent sponsorship agency). She has worked at Thinkbox for more than ten years, first as Head of Planning and more lately as Head of Training, with primary responsibility for Thinkbox’s new online training programme, TV Masters.
THINKBOX is the marketing body for commercial TV in the UK, in all its forms. It works with the marketing community with a single ambition: to help advertisers get the best out of today’s TV.
TV has more to offer advertisers than ever before. Continues to stand out as proven, trusted and – most importantly – pre-eminently effective.